At the first day of summer holidays Sophie was very happy. Soon her cousin Caroline and best friend Natalie must go other to Sophie's. After games they plan to go to park. Weather is nice and sunny for children.
After midday Sophie hears a knock at the door. It was Caroline and Natalie! They played about three hours.
When children began to the place Sophie's mother gives them her mobile phone. If something happens they must call home. This telephone was cheap, without camera and Internet. Natalie has her own mobile phone, too. It has camera, Internet, and other functions.
Children go through big houses with many floors and apartments. No one soul among these buildings. But suddenly...
Sophie, Caroline, and Natalie see a tall young man. He is dressed in leather jacket, boots, and jeans. The person was scared. Girls look at him about twenty seconds. After he says with trembling voice.
"My grandfather has high pressure! Please help me! He lives on thirteenth floor in simple apartment! My granddad needs an ambulance! I need your mobile phone!" the guy cried.
Caroline was silent. Sophie wants to help, she gives her mobile phone. But young man said that he needs another phone. Then Natalie who has expensive thing gives her mobile.
Guy said 'Thank you' and run away from little children.
Sophie thinks about poor old man who needs an ambulance. Girls wait young man fifteen, twenty minutes, hour, two hours. Caroline and Sophie became worried about the man. They thought that something happened with young man and his grandfather.
Natalie sighs and said "Let's go home" with sad voice. Sophie and Caroline couldn't understand what happened and why Natalie cries?