Saturday, March 28, 2015


When we see starry night sky, we see a little part of large universe with a plurality of different stars including our sun. The Solar System is also a little part of space. Our planet, Earth, the third from Sun. Neighboring planets such as Mars and Venus have similar similar structure with Earth. For example many, many years ago on the planet Mars, there was life! But now just Earth has living conditions.

Scientists studying universe have found stars which are more bigger than our Sun; main star of the Solar System! Some of them twirl around another planets. But human was not on any other planets apart from Motherland-Earth. But may be in the future people can fly on other planets and even systems.

Universe has dark area and stars with planets. Also planets have one or more satellite of Earth is the Moon.

Sometimes we hear news or stories about UFO or Unidentified flying object. May be it has our "brothers" from another systems or universe. But somebody thinks that all of it simple fiction.

Universe is ome of the greatest mysteries in our history.

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