Thursday, November 10, 2016

Great people: Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln was born on Februaury 12, 1809, Hondgenville, Kentucky. He was child of Thomas and Nancy Lincoln.

Young man liked reading many different books. Abraham Lincoln worked as a lawyer before he became a president.

In 1840 he met Mary Todd and married her two years later. Couple had four sons: Robert, Edward, William, and Thomas.

On election 1860 Lincoln was a presodential candidate from the Republican Party. He became the 16th president of the United States of America.

One year later American Civil War started. It was a very hard period in US history. North and South fought for four years. In the end slavery was abolished.

Abraham Lincoln was killed by actor John Wilkes Booth on Friday, April 15, 1865 Petersen House, Washington, D.C.

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