Thursday, June 2, 2016

Literature. Part fifteen.

                      "The Selfish Giant" by Oscar Wilde.

Once upon a time the Giant had a garden. Children usually played there after school. When the Giant returned, he forbade the children to enter his garden. He was selfish. So children couldn't play in the garden.

Several months later when Spring should have come, it was still Winter in the Giant's garden. Cold and Freeze were very glad of it. Summer wasn't coming, too. Not far from his garden chidren played during warm seasons. Spring and Summer didn't come only to the Giant.

One day he saw children on the tree, they were with leaves. Just one boy couldn't sit on the tree. The Giant helped him.

So he became a kind person. Children played in his garden again. The Giant missed the boy who helped.

Just many years later he found him in the garden. Little boy called the Giant to his garden-heaven.

Children found dead Giant under the tree.

Source of image:

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