Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Pegasus was a horse with wings in Ancient Greece. His parents were Poseidon and Gordon Medusa. Also, creature had a brother named Chrysaor.

Hero Bellerophon rode Pegasus while fighting with Chimera.

Muses liked this mythical creature. Pegasus had relationships with many gods and goddesses, such as: Athena, Apollo, Zeus, and Perseus.

The two-winged horse helped Zeus. Pegasus brought him thunder and lightning from Hephaestus.

There are many painting and statues of this mythical animal. Also, there is constellation named Pegasus.

Source of image:

Ancient Greek hero Bellerophon on Pegasus golden on white background

Source of image:

Pegasus scene 3D illustration

Source of image:

Fantasy white pegasus flying over a lake at night. 3D illustration.

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