Saturday, August 28, 2021


 Clytemnestra (Κλυταιμνήστρα) was known as the wife of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, in Greek legends. Her parents were Tyndareus (Τυνδάρεος) and Leda. Clytemnestra's sister was Helen of Troy.

She had relations with other characters, such as: Aegisthus, Achilles, Artemis, and etc.

She killed her husband Agamemnon.

Clytemnestra had several children: Orestes, Electra, Aletes, Erigone, Chrysothemis.

Her son Orestes killed his mother. Clytemnestra was buried away from the city wall of Mycenae.

Artists and sculptors created different paintings and sculptures about this character.

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