Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Calypso (Καλυψώ) was a nymph in Greek myths and legends. She was a weaver. Her name means “she who conceals”. Calypso lived on the island of Ogygia. Odysseus spent seven years with her on this island.

Calypso’s parents were: Atlas, Nereus, or Oceanus and Tethus, Pleione, or Doris. Also, she had several siblings. 

When Odysseus lived on the island Ogygia Calypso was in love with him. But Odysseus was homesick and she let him go.

Then Hermes came to Calypso.

She had children: Latinus,  Nausithous, Nausinous, and Telegonus.

Calypso killed herself because she loved Odysseus.

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