Saturday, February 12, 2022

Tale from childhood: Study of wisdom.

Little Sophie and her friends liked to listen to stories of neighboring old men and women. They told interesting life moments.

There was a very wise old woman in the yard. Her name was Mrs. Anne. She raised three children, worked as a doctor for fifty years; this elderly woman had a lot of life experience. Also, she supported people in difficult situations. For example, if somebody was ill. Then the old worried for this person, like her relative. She helped Sophie, they found her toy together, and it was her plastic doll with auburn hair.

Her daughter looked like her mother. She helped people in need. This woman knew how to pack quickly.

Mrs. Anne was one of those who couldn't understand the act of Lara's father.

Sophie was friends with her grandson; he was a four year old boy. He liked to play active games.

"Mrs. Anne really says wise things," Sophie thought.

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