Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Taiga is a forest which is laid in mailands, Eurasia and North America. In counries of Russia, Findland, Sweden, Northway, Canada, and the USA. In it grows coniferous trees because Taiga is a coniferous forest.

Animal world in Taiga is more wealthy than in Tundra. In this forest live brown bear, wolf, fox, swan, woodpecker, elk, deer, capercaillie. Plants in Taiga: berries (which eat animals), green mosses, pine trees. Also in some parts of forest Taiga has water sources such as lakes or swamps. In this places also live animals example swans and growing plants example water lily. In Taiga there are own food chains. Some animals eat just plants, another hunting.

Climate in coniferous forest Taiga is sharply continental. Long and cold winter. Snow can lay in this place for about six months. Summer lasts just two or three months. But sometimes in short summer period temperature can rise very high. So hot weather is accustomed for Taiga.

I think that plant and animal world of Taiga is very interesting.

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