Saturday, April 25, 2015


Vitamins and minerals are very important for human organism. Especially for little children who are growing. Vitamins stay in many different types of food. Example, fresh fruit and vegetables have many needed vitamins and minerals: iron, zinc, cobalt. Fish and meat also have needed vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin "D" is in fish fat, vitamin "K" is in green vegetables. So, human organism is in need of all types of food. But sometimes, some people have a power allergy on useful food. These people can eat other food where there is source of vitamins or minerals.

If person doesn't eat enough food where there are needed vitamins, he can get sick. Begin to exofoliate nails, hair fall out, headache. Especially at risk are people who sufferes from bulimia, If just exclude several vegetables then organism doesn't even feel it. Sometimes in useful food and beverage such as fish and milk, there aren't enough minerals. So vitamins can be bought in drugstore in pills.

All vitamins are named by Latin letters. Periodic table has vitamins and minerals and their chemical names. Example, Iron-Fe.

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