Friday, May 1, 2015

"Chicago and First May Day."

May day as the international day of labour was born in Chicago in 1886 year.

City is the largest industrial centre, a port on the Great Lakes and a railway station. Chicago was the centre of class wars at the end of nineteenth century.

As other large American cities, there are two different parts in Chicago: first, the skyscrapers and the second, rich houses on the bank of Lake Michigan.

The struggle for the eight-hours working day began in the USA in the 1860s and countinued about thirsty years. This struggle was very important for american's and other workers, because people had to work lots of hours a day.

On May First, 1886, Chicago became the centre of the fight for the eight-hour working day. 400,000 people went on strike. Six of them were killed by the police.

On fourth May at the meeting, suddenly somebody threw a bomb. Seven policemen and four workers were killed. Eight worker's leaders were arrested. Later four of them were hanged.

After that accident the American trade unions decided, in 1890 year, to organize May Day demonstration every year.

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