Saturday, January 9, 2016


Romanticism was popular in the world from XVIII until XIX centuries. This type of art extend in such things as painting, literature, and music.

Also Romanticism appeared in Industtrial Revolution, when there were trains,factory machines, photography, and human values.

Painting during this period had something in common with Gothic. Example, Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Caspar David Friedrich.

In Romantic literature poetry was popular. Pepresentatives: Alexander Pushkin, Adam Mickiewicz, Gord Byron. Now many works of this writers are studied in schools by students.

Music in that period emphasized the inner world. Many classic music was written during that time. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Joseph Haydn, Frederic Chopin.

Romanticism has mixed parts of previous arts, including Classicism, Gothic, and Renaissance. This suggests that humanity remembers its own past.

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