Friday, March 25, 2016


Play is one type of literature. It has to do with the theatre. Screenwriters write plays, actors memorize words, it turns into theatrical production. Play can be of any genre: drama, comedy, tragedy. In this type of literature, everything is written by roles.

Writers write plays, too. Many of them are interesting and instructive. These works are read and written essays on by students in schools.

On holidays, such as Christmas and New Year, performances are carried out in theatres tales. Actors play famous characters of fairy tales. Also, there is a puppet theatre, where actors rule toys and talk to them. It's beautiful!

For example, Hamlet by William Shakespeare is one of famous plays.

It appeared in ancient times. In Ancient Greece actors wore masks for their roles. Famous genres such as comedy and tragedy appreared there.

Theatre is a part of our life. Many actors began their work from theatre movies.

P.S. Another part of the literature is over. Soon will be other.

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