Friday, April 29, 2016


Drama has similar parts of comedy and tragedy. This genre is very popular in books and movies. Two masks symbolize the drama, sad and happy. Genre can mix with another types of literature, foe example drama with fantasy.

History of drama is very long. This genre appeared in Ancient Greece. Writers wrote neither funny nor sad stories, actors wore masks, performed roling theatre.

While watching the drama, sometimes you want to laugh, sometimes you want to cry.

Dramatic genre can have even a short story in modern magazine. Also drama can be written in verse.

Many old dramas became classics and are still studied in school by students. For example, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark or Hamlet by William Shakespeare. This book is of a dramatic genre.

Drama is one of the popular genres in theatre. This genre can be very interesting in any form.

The story of drama is still in progress. This is one of many genres. Soon will be next.

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