Monday, May 2, 2016

Recipe of homemade cheesecake.

Ingredients for the base:

Flour-300 g
Sugar-100 g
Sweet cream butter-100 g
Sour cream-2 table spoons
Mayonnaise-2 table spoons
Salt-1/2 tea spoon
Baking powder-1/2 tea spoon

Mix all ingredients in one bowl and make a dough. Warm up the oven 400 F. Put the dough in a baking form and poke a fork base. Put the dough in the oven and bake 300 F about 20 min.

Ingredients for the cream:

Cream cheese "Philadelphia"-700 g
Sugar-300 g
Heavy whipping cream-50 ml

Mix all ingredients in one bowl or mixer and make cream. When base finish bake put the cream in the base. After bake base and cream together about 30 min. Warm up the oven 350 F and bake 300 F. Switch off the oven and leave cheesecake there about 5 hours. After 12 hours you can eat this dessert.

Bon Appetit!

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