Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Tales from childhood: Mrs. Mary.

Little Sophie had many friends. Her cousin Caroline was her relative and friend. Natalie was Sophie's best friend.

Johnny, her classmate, had good relationships with Sophie, too. But... He had strange father named Mr. Theodor.

Man had bald and serious face. He was silent and talk just with his daugher and son. Sophie saw Mr. Theodor just several times at school. He often was alone.

One day Sophie and Johnny saw woman with Mr. Theodor. She had many rings on her fingers, beautiful dress, earrings, and necklaces. Woman was middle aged.

Mrs. Mary greeted Sophie and Johnny. Boy was afraid of this beautiful woman.

She promised to give presents for children. Sophie was very glad about it! Johnny had serious face as his father.

Girl waited for the present but Mrs. Mary forgot about promise. Johnny knew woman during several months. She always forgot her promises. He didn't believe Mrs. Mary.

Sophie worried about present but she was silent when saw Mrs. Mary. Woman promised to share chocolate but girl didn't believe to Mrs. Mary's words.

Mr. Theodor still appeared with this woman. Sophie talked with Johnny about Mrs. Mary's promises. Johnny and his sister never believe this woman.

One day Sophie saw that Mr. Theodor was alone at school. His face was more serious than usually and maybe sad. Johnny run faster when saw his father.

Mrs. Mary disappeared from Johnny's life.

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