Monday, March 2, 2020

Literature. Part sixty.

                                      "The Little Match Girl" by Hans Christian Andersen.

Once upon a time it was a New Year's Eve. The weather was very cold and freeze.

On the street little girl sold matches. She didn't want to go home. Her clothes were old. The girl looked poor. She felt winter cold. Today she couldn't sell matches.

People prepared for holiday: they cooked fried goose, had Christmas tree, though about night, and etc.

The girl felt smell of Christmas food. She wanted to have some warm... Little girl lit a match. Suddenly she imagined her late grandmother. The girl saw her in the fire of match.

Afterwards, she noticed Christmas tree with toys, big table with holiday dishes included fried goose. But when her match stopped burning she saw cold street.

The girl with matches lit a match again. She enjoyed the holiday with her granny. It was a warm and comfortable place.

Next day became the first day of a New Year. The girl was found on the street. She was dead. She used her box of matches.

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