Friday, April 3, 2020

Literature. Part sixty one.

                                                                          Dwarf Nose by Wilhelm Hauff.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Jacob. His mother was Hanne. She sold fruit and vegetables at the market.

In a nice day they met an old woman. She was a witch. The old woman criticized fruit and vegetables. Jacob became angry. After that, she bewitched the boy.

He lived with a witch. She cooked soup for Jacob. He ate and worked in the witch's house for seven years. Also, she turned Jacob into an ugly dwarf with a big nose.

Seven years later his mother didn't recognize her own son. It was very sad for him.

Jacob became the duke's cook. He knew his craft. People liked his dishes. So, the dwarf nose worked there.

One day he met a female goose named Mimi. She was bewitched, too. They found the magical grass together. It helped Jacob, he became handsome again.

Mimi and Jacob went to her father, wizard Weatherbuck. He uncursed his daughter.

Jacob returned to his mother. She was very glad.

There are many different movies and cartoons about this fairy tale.

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