Sunday, April 26, 2020


Asclepius (Ἀσκληπιός) was a god of medicine in ancient Greek myths and legends. His father was Apollo, his mother was Coronis.

He met with other gods and goddesses, such as: Hermes, Heracles, Artemis, and etc. Centaur Chiron tought Asclepius hunting and medicine.

God Asclepius not only cured the sick, but resurrected the dead. He used magical blood of Medusa Gorgon. Also, Asclepius treated Heracles after his battle with Hippocoon of Sparta.

He had his own symbol, the rod of Asclepius, a staff with snake. It's a symbol of medicine.

Asclepius had a wife named Epione. Their children were: Hygeia, Aceso, Aglaea, Iaso, Panacea, Machaon, Telesphoros, Aratus, Podalirius.

There are many interesting stories about Asclepius. Artists and sculptors created paintings and sculptures of this god.

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