Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tales from childhood: Strange thoughts.

Sophie was a good person. But she had strange aspects in her temper. Little Sophie couldn't listen to other people. She made conclusions very quickly.

It was a simple school day. Teacher said important words for students.

"You must listen to me with attention. Don't lose it!" she said.

On this day Sophie had a strange behavior. She was very tired. Little Sophie thought about her own things.

"Children, please bring some paper for handmade flowers," the school teacher said.

Sophie still thought about her dreams. She didn't pay attention to the teacher's speech.

"We will create beautiful paper roses and other flowers," the school teacher said.

But Sophie didn't listen to her words. She didn't understand entirely the teacher's words.

"You must create paper flowers at home. And bring your works," Sophie heard.

Little Sophie was very worried about it. During her way to home she thought for a long time.

"We must create paper flowers at home," Sophie said to her grandmother.

"You didn't understand your teacher. You must bring paper for handmade flowers. You'll create paper roses and other flowers in school," granny said.

Sophie was still worried. She decided to create a flower. Little Sophie didn't know that her grandmother called Johnny. He told her the truth.

Next day Sophie brought paper and one paper flower. She and her classmates created many beautiful works. The teacher praised Sophie for the paper flower made at home.

Now Sophie tried to listen carefully to other people's words. Because correct understanding is very important.

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