Saturday, September 11, 2021


 Agamemnon (Ἀγαμέμνων) was a king of Mycenae, in Greek legends. His father was King Atreus, his mother was Queen Aerope. Also, Agamemnon had a brother named Menelaus.

He participated in the Trojan War. Defeating Troy, Agamemnon returned to Mycenae. 

King of Mycenae married Clytemnestra. His brother Menelaus had a wife, beautiful Helen. She was kidnapped by Paris before the Trojan War.

Agamemnon had relations with other gods and goddesses. He had several children.

Agamemnon was killed by his wife Clytemnestra. Also, she killed Cassandra.

There are many different paintings and statues about this hero.

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