Sunday, September 26, 2021

Tales from childhood: Fall harvest.

 Every fall in the village people were harvesting fruits and vegetables. Sophie liked a lot of them. Sometimes there were so many tomatoes that these vegetables were handed out to neighbors. Vegetables were very big. It was hard for Sophie to carry them. The weight of one tomato was 600 grams!

Sometimes there were so many tomatoes that these vegetables were handed out to neighbors. Sophie's granny shared with people. And the neighbors shared with them, too.

"It's good that we have a big harvest," Sophie said.

"Yes, it's very good." the grandmother said.

Little Sophie was proud that she could share vegetables with others, but she didn't tell anyone about it.

People received great joy when they gave and received as a gift fruits and/or vegetables.

Red ripe tomatoes, strawberries and other berries, potatoes in the ground, orange carrots, cherries on the tree. Sophie saw this ripe harvest. Also, there were butterflies, beetles, warms, and even birds in the garden. She watched this , because it was interesting!

All this grew in the garden of Sophie and her grandmother.

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