Saturday, December 18, 2021


Daedalus (Δαίδαλος) was a character in Greek mythology. He was born in Athens. His father was Metion, his mother was Iphinoe or Merope.

Daedalus was a wise person. He created many different things. Daedalus was an architect and sculptor. He was a symbol of knowledge and power.

Perdix (Πέρδιξ) was a nephew of Daedalus. Also, he was his student. Perdix was more talented than his uncle. Daedalus killed him.

On Crete, he made statues for Minos (Μίνως), Pasiphaё (Πασιφάη), Ariadne (Ἀριάδνη), Phaedra (Φαίδρα), and other members of family.

Also, Daedalus created the Labyrinth (Λαβύρινθος). Minotaur (Μινώταυρος) was born and lived there. Theseus (Θησεύς) went from the Labyrinth with the Ariadne's thread.

He had a son named Icarus.

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