Sunday, December 12, 2021

Tales from childhood: Decide yourself.

It was a Friday morning. Sophie went to school. Two days ago her teacher said that she won’t be on Friday. Little Sophie remembered about it.

When she entered the classroom, the children were talking loudly. There was no one in teacher’s place. The students felt free, they just wanted to have fun.

Suddenly, one boy who had problems with discipline said that they can go home because the head teacher let us go. Therefore, some children decided that this is actually the case. So, the whole class went to the locker room and there this boy told the nanny that the head teacher “let us go”. About more than half class went home.

Sophie looked at this all in thought. How can they just leave school lessons?

But only a few conscientious and responsible students decided to stay at school and study. Sophie was among them.

Another teacher came to the class and began to study with the children.

Meanwhile, the nanny decided to go to the head teacher and ask if she let this class go home.

“This boy told me that you let them go,” the nanny said.

The head teacher looked sternly, and then said:

“Did you come up to me? Did I let you go? What is this anyway?!  This is what a self- righteousness! After school lessons I’m waiting for you in my classroom.”

Sophie thought about it for a long time. At home she was praised for staying at school.

On Monday, when the teacher came at school, she found out everything. So, she took exercise books from those who left school on Friday and noted it for their parents. Also, the homeroom teacher said that leaving is just bad.

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