Monday, March 11, 2024


Aeёtes (Αἰήτης) (Aiḗtēs) was a king of Colchis in Greek mythology and legends. His name αἰετός aietós means "eagle".

Helios (Helius) was his father. Perse (Pérsē) was his mother. 

Indyia (Ἰδυῖα) (Idyîa) was the wife of Aeёtes. Circe (Kírkē), Medea (Mḗdeia), Absyrtus (Ἄψυρτος), and Chalciope (Χαλκιόπη) (Khalkiópē).

Aeёtes met with the Argonauts (Argonaũtai). He had the Golden Fleece (Khrysómallon déras). Aeёtes gave tasks to Jason (Iásōn).

Also, Hephaestus (Hḗphaistos) made Khalkotauroi (Χαλκόταυροι) (khalkótauroi) for him.

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