Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Tales from childhood: Real friend?

“Our daughter often talks about a certain person. Allegedly, he lost his face in an accident and his wife left him with their child. Then he had surgery to reconstruct his face.” Angela’s mother said.

“I haven’t heard anything about him. Also, I haven’t anything know about this story.” Angela’s father said.

“Maybe it’s better for such people to be as quiet as possible and not to show themselves.” the wife said.

“Yes, let such strange people roam other places. For example, in forest.” the husband said.

“It’s good that Angela now lives with Raymond and Maria, I think she’s better off there.” the woman said.

“I think so, too.” the man said.

Angela knew how to notice what others couldn’t understand, but at the same time she found like-minded people in her new family. Timothy lived with them in the same house and they treated everything calmly.

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