Sunday, May 19, 2024


Hebe (Ἥβη) was a goddess of youth, prime of life, and old age in Ancient Greece. Her parents were Zeus and Hera (Ἥρα) (Hḗrē).

Ares (Ἄρης) (Árēs), Hephaestus (Ἥφαιστος,) (Hḗphaistos), and Eileithyia (Ἐλευθώ) (Eleuthō) were Hebe's siblings.

Her symbols were: wine-cup, eagle, and wings.

Heracles (Ἡρακλῆς) (Hercules) was Hebe's consort. They had two children named Anicetus (Ἀνίκητος) (Aníkētos) and Alexiares (Ἀλεξιάρης) (Alexiárēs).

Hebe was Aphrodite's (Ἀφροδίτη) assistant. She accompanied the goddess.

Also, Hebe gave youth to Iolaus (Ἰόλαος) (Iólaos).

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