Sunday, June 23, 2024


Hypsilyle (Ὑψιπύλη) (Hypsipýlē) was a queen of island Lemnos in Greek mythology. Her father was king Thoas (Θόας). Dionysus (Διόνυσος) (Dionysos) and Ariadne (Ἀριάδνη) (Ariadne) were Hypsilyle's grandparents.

She saved her father.

Jason (Ἰάσων) (Iásōn), the leader of the Argonauts (Ἀργοναῦται) (Argonaûta) was Hypsipyle's husband. They had twin sons: Euneus (Εὔνηος) and Thoas (Θόας).

Also, Hypsilyle was a nurse of Opheltes (Ὀφέλτης).

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