Sunday, June 14, 2015


Since early childhood I wanted to live in Scandinavian country-Findland. Really, this place is good. Clean streets, there are ho homeless animals, and safety.

Also in Findland many people have blonde hair and blue eyes. Especially attention for children. In trains don't ask how old to child even though he or she looks like elder. I think that Findland is a country of bicycles. Many people have bicycles and ride even little children. Near with Baltic Sea there are different birds especially seagulls. These birds are very noisy...

In country two official languages finnish and swedish. But many people can speak English language if its needed.

But weather... is bad. Grey sky often rains in any seasons, winds from Baltic Sea. About one week sun can't appear. At spring on the lawn there are many beautiful snowdrops. Also in some places there are green landscapes, wherein it is always clean and accurate.

I'm so glad that we lived in this good country, now I know almost everything about Findland.

Source of image:

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