Thursday, June 11, 2015

"The story of Dick."

Dick was a boy. He was an orphan. Dick's parents died. Boy was very poor and had only one friend: his cat. Dick loved it very dearly.

Once he heard that lofe in London was very good. That the streets of city were full of gold.

When Dick and his friend cat came to British capital, they certainly didn't see the gold. Also friends didn't see people who wanted to help them.

At last boy found a job on the ship.

"May I take my pet with me?" he asked the captain of the ship.

"Yes, of cause" said the captain.

He was an old kind man. The captain often told Dick many stories about strange countries and strange people.

One day when was a storm in the sea, the ship was driven onto a strange country. There lived people with red skins.

The captain of the ship. sent many beautiful presents to the king and to the Queen of that kingdom. Then royal couple invided them to their palace.

It was a pretty place. There were a lot of foods for the masters and guests. But hundreds of rats entered into the palace and began to eat all foods.

King said, that nobody can help them.

Then Dick's cat saw rats and soon all of them were dead.

Monarchs were so pleased that gave the boy twelve bags of gold.

When he came to London, he was very rich. He married a girl. They three lived forever together.

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