Saturday, June 6, 2015

My advises for travels.

1. If you must wake up early you need an alarm clock.

2. When you are in transport you can read a book or madazine, watch a movie.

3. In big city you can go to eat in cafe. If your way is about one hour or more. Also you can go shopping in big shops.

4. In plane or in train better eat food even if you think that you're not hungry. If you want to drink you can ask for a glass of water.

5. Study history and facts about country in which you travel or simply stay. It's very important for you.

6. If your way-is very, very long you can stay in motel for one night or more. Because rest is needed for human organism.

7. After travels you can be very tired so your sleep should be good.

Source of image:

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