Sunday, March 11, 2018

Tales from childhood: Rain in May.

It was the last month of spring. Sophie, Jack, Beth, and Johnny walked on the bank of river. The weather was nice, especially for May. Blue sky, sun, and stuffy air.

Sophie thought about school. She passed difficult exams. Left to do the cleaning in the classroom and get school diary. Beth studied at 7th grade of middle school. She wanted to go to medical college. Also, she was a good example for Sophie and was friends with Jack.

Little Sophie laid in the tent with the bouquet of field flowers, Johnny was fishing in the river, Beth was sitting and talking with Jack. Good weather was important for this situation. But suddenly...

In the blue sky big and grey clouds appeared, the lightning flashed, thunder roared, it started raining. Children run to the bringe. They saw Mr. Theodor with several umbrellas. So, friends went to the village house. Beth and Johnny's father sheltered children.

Sophie heared thunder and saw water pouring. The lightning flashed through the window.

Old woman cooked pies and tea for children. Frineds were very happy. They felt warm.

Hour later the thunderstorm ended. Beth and Jack left the house. Soon, they returned with smile and called Sophie and Johnny. All of them saw beautiful rainbow on the sky. Sophie became happy on this May day despite the fact roads were muddy.

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