Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Tales from childhood: A serious holiday.

It was a normal spring day. Little Sophie and her classmates talked with their school teacher. The teacher said that children must prepare for tomorrow's holiday. They had homework: read several pages about war.

Next day a social studies teacher appeared in their classroom. Students listen to stories about battles and heroes. Sophie remembered her homework. Some details were written in the book! These stories sounds interesting.

On the third lesson an old man came to class. He had gray beard and cane. Also, children noticed that he had his several medals on his jacket.

Teacher said that this man is a war veteran. Sophie was very impressed!

The old man was sitting on a chair and telling real stories. Children listened to them with attention. Veteran told about enemies and weapons. How he worked during this hard period.

After students asked old man about war events. He answered to their questions. At the end the veteran received flowers and went to a concert. School teacher added that we must remember about war veterans.

At home Sophie understood teacher's words. People must remember important events.

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