Sunday, December 8, 2019

Tales from childhood: Continuation of a story.

It was a simple spring day. Sophie finished a quarter of a school grade. Very soon she and her classmates started the last quarter of the elementary school! Sophie became more serious than before. The teacher loved her job and could keep the class.

During free time little Sophie and her mother walked in the park. The views were very beautiful especially in spring season. They  found more people were there. Sophie saw her friends in this park: Natalie, some classmates, Mr. Theodor, Lara's father with his wife and their toddlers.

"I think that this place is very nice. So, many people visit it," Sophie said.

"Yes, it's true. The park is a nice place for a rest," mother said.

One day Sophie saw a lovely couple. She knew them. Eldest son of her teacher Anton and his girlfriend Julia. They were coming from somewhere. Anton treated Julia with various sweets: lollipops, marmalades, chocolates, and etc. Sophie smiled at them, but Anton and his strange girlfriend didn't notice her.

Suddenly Sophie remembered about their feelings to each other. She thought about many different things. Sophie knew that they loved each other. It's very nice!

When Sophie was a child she wanted to know answers to questions.

"Where do babies come from?" Sophie asked her mother.

"When man and woman love each other. They kiss and hug. And they can have a baby," the mother answered.

Sophie's mother didn't want to lie to her daughter. Maybe others people could say several jokes about it. Also, Sophie remembered her father. She didn't know him.

When the child returned to school she saw her teacher. She talked with using mobile phone. They talked about medicine.

"Good morning, children!" the teacher said.

"Good morning, teacher!" the students said.

"We start the fourth quarter of the school year," the teacher said with smile.

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