Sunday, December 6, 2020


 Zephyrus (Ζέφυρος) (Zéphyros) was a type of the wind in ancient Greece. He was the western wind. His parents were Astraeus (Ἀστραῖος) and Eos (Ἕως). Zephyrus had brother, such as: Boreas (Βορέας), Eurus (Εὖρος), and Notus (Νότος). 

He had different relationships with other gods and goddesses. Among them were Achilles and Apollo. 

Iris (Ἶρις) was one of his wives. Zephyrus's son was Eros. Nymph (νύμφαι) Chloris (Χλωρίς) was his wife. They had a son Karpos.

There are many paintings and statues about this god.

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