Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Literature. Part sixty nine.

                                           The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.

Santiago is an old man. He is a fisherman. Santiago tried to catch fish every day. This went on for eighty four days. He couldn't catch fish in the sea.

Many people thought that Santiago was an unlucky fisherman, expect for a young boy named Manolin, who helped him. Santiago and Manolin became friends.

The fisherman meets with various difficulties and problems. Manolin always supported Santiago. The old man solved his own problems.

On the eighty-fifth day, Santiago caught a large marlin fish. But the sharks ate this fish.

Little Manolin worried for Santiago.

At the end, they were going to fish together.

This novel was translated to many languages. The book had different awards. There are movies and cartoons about this story.

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