Saturday, December 5, 2020

Great people: Erasmus.

 Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus was known as a Dutch philosopher. He was born on October 28, 1469, in the Netherlands.

He was interested in humanism. Erasmus studied in colleges and universities. His era was Renaissance Philosophy or XVI century philosophy.

Erasmus wrote many books. In Praise of Folly (Stultitiae Laus or Moriae Encomium). This book was written in 1509. On Civility in Children (De civilitate morum puerilium) (1530). Handbook of a Christian Knigh (Enchiridion militis Christiani) (1501). In these books there are satire and philosophy. He wrote his books in Latin.

English philosopher Sir Thomas More shared the same era with Erasmus Roterodamus.

Erasmus died on July 12, 1536, in Basel, Old Swiss Confederacy.

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