Sunday, December 13, 2020

Tales from childhood: This or that.

 Sophie liked very different games. Sometimes she played alone with her toys. Then she came up with the rules for her own games. Or she played with her friends. It depended on her mood.

But one day children played in the yard. They rehearsed the play. Little Lara didn't want to listen Sophie's words. It was very unpleasant for her. Some little girl won't let her play.

Suddenly Beth and Lara's stepmother appeared from the corner. The young woman was with her children.

"Must play all together or no one," the stepmother said.

Lara went in her thoughts. She made a mistake. Little Lara had to listen to Sophie. Her stepmother was right in this moment.

Sophie decided to play alone. She played in a game with her own rules.

Lara caught the young woman's stern gaze and considered her behavior. Beth supported Lara's stepmother.

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