Saturday, September 26, 2015

History of Wyoming.

State of Wyoming is located to the West of the United Syayes, between two other states Colorado and Utah. The capital of  state Wyoming is Cheynne.

Before Chistopher Colombus' doscovery the New World in state lived Indians or Native Americans. But when Europeans discovered the USA they found this land.

At the beginning of XIX century during the Lewis and Clark Expedition, one of this member John Colter described lands of Wyoming. But all information was confirmed later, by other researchers.

Wyoming is known that in 1869 it allowed women to vote. Before it women didn't have right to vote. For that time it was very good.

Just on July 10, 1890 Wyoming became forty-fourth state in the United States of America. So Wyoming and his population saw many different events, including horrible wars: Civil War and World War II.

P.S. History of Wyoming continues today, too.

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