Saturday, November 21, 2015


The Renaissance was one of the beautiful periods in our history. If in the Middle Ages, people lived to get "another life", in a new historical period, people became richer and paid attention to the worls around them.

In that time in Europe, arts were popular. Saints appeared on the pictures. Leonardo da Vinci-an Italian artist and scientist drew the most famous pictures, like Mona Lisa in 1517. Gioconda still has many mysteries. Also he drew God and saints in his pictures. These work were studied, too.

Amother Italian painter Michelangelo made a famous sculpture The Statue of David in 1504. This work is still one of the most famous statues.

In the Renaissance, people changed their philosophy views. Humanism was a new type of philosophy. Human personality was the subject for study.

Scientists began to study space and planets, too. They made a new discoveries. But church didn't support them.

Renaissance was the age of culture and prosperity.

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