Saturday, November 7, 2015

Ancient Rome.

Ancient Rome was one of the great civilizations in Ancient History. It was founded in 753 BC by Romulus and Remus. The legend says these twin brothers were fed by a she-wolf.

Official language in Ancient Rome was a Latin. Now it is used in science. For example, medicine, and mathematics. The country contained central and South Europe and part of North Africa.

In Ancient Rome, people believed in many different Gods. Roman religion has similar things with Greek but is still different.

Ancient country participated in Punic Wars. Roman soldiers had special clothes for it.

Rome had own laws, system of education, family customs, cuisine, and etc. Some of them still exist in our life.

In Ancient times Rome was a big and great country. Today Rome is the capital of Italy. The name was left for European city. This is studied by archeologists and students. Because it's very interesting!

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