Friday, November 29, 2019

Tales from childhood: I will wait for you.

Lara had a good grandfather. Maybe he was strange person, but he had many qualities. His granddaughter was a moody child. Lara's mother didn't pay attention to her. This woman worked a lot and spent her nights at work.

Beth and Johnny talked with Mr. Theodor in hard situations. He was a kind parent. So, his children loved and respected him.

"Daddy" is an important word," thought Lara.

She wanted to say this word to the right person. Little Lara started waiting her father. She hoped that he will come by car. Or maybe he come by metro or tram. Lara looked out at the cars and the men who got out of them. Also, she looked at the men who went in the porch of her house.

Lara heard sounds a telephone. She hoped that her daddy called. But it wasn't him. When Lara saw a postman put a letter in their box, she thought about her daddy. Maybe he wrote a letter for her and her mother. But no..

"When will my father come?" Lara asked her granddad.

He had a sad face. He often saw his former relative in many public places. This man cared for his other children. Lara's grandfather felt pain in his soul.

"Maybe in the future," the grandfather said.

Little Lara didn't want to believe that her father lived in her city.

In the yard the young girltold her friends about her uncle. He was a fireman. He saved little children from the building. The man had facial scars. Also, he walked with crutches. Fireman had a medal for courage. He lost his fellow. Many people knew him. That fireman was a good husband and father.

Suddenly Lara decided that her father could be a hero, too. Maybe he saved somebody. Lara's mother didn't want to tell about her former husband. But  she knew where he lived. She saw him several times a week.

Little Lara didn't want to believe that her father loved other children. She hoped that one day he will love her.

Source of image:

Sonido de teléfono rojo de estilo retro

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