Saturday, September 5, 2020

Pandora's box.

 Pandora (Πανδώρα,) was created by Hephaestus. She was the first human woman. Hephaestus created her under the instructions of Zeus. Her name means "all-giving".

Pandora had relationships with gods and goddesses, such as: Athena, Hermes, and Aphrodite. They gave her different gifts.

Epimetheus became Pandora's husband. He was a titan. His brothers were Prometheus, Atlas, and Menoetius.

One day Pandora knew about box or jar pithos (πίθος) in a house. It was closed. But Pandora was very curious.

She opened this jar. There were death, sickness, and many other evils which appeared in the world. When Pandora closed the box just hope left there.

Pandora's box became an idiom. "Open a Pandora's box" meaning do something negative or problematic.

Many artists painted different paintings about this myth. Sculptors created statues of characters of this legend.

Source of image:

The ancient Greek goddess Pandora opens a box and frees evil powers. Old mythological plot.

Source of image:

mythology pandora opening a box

Source of image:

pandoras box with smoke on a wooden background

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