Sunday, September 6, 2020


 Sparta (Σπάρτη) was a city-state in ancient Greece. Also, Sparta had another name Lacedaemon (Λακεδαίμων) The city-state was situated in Laconia, in south Peloponnese, on the banks of the Eurotas river. 

There were their own laws, culture, architecture, military, government, society, citizens, and rules. Citizens of Sparta had rights and responsibilities.

Some aspects were different from other regions of ancient Greece. There were three groups in Sparta: the Spartans, the Helots, and the Perioeci. 

Spartan boys had military education. They started since seven years. Later adult men studied in a state system. Courage, military, discipline were important for soldiers. Spartans had their own uniform. Helmet, round shield, and sword were parts of it.

But Spartan empire was fall. Army lost the war.

Source of image:

Спартанский заряд, Полная длина иллюстрация спартанского воина в боевом платье атакующего на белом фоне. Фото реалистичная 3d модель сцены.

Source of image:

spartan fighting a persian

Source of image:

Ancient Greece - Group of Spartan women with their children

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