Sunday, September 27, 2020

Tales from childhood: Important qualities.

 Lara's father was a strange man. He did many strange things. When little Sophie saw him she had these thoughts. It was Sophie's opinion.

His new wife was a very good person. She was often used as an example to his ex-wife. Since early childhood the girls were competitors. Lara's stepmother had good qualities for a successful life.

During school years she visited sport section. Also, her grades were very good.

"Look how well she does everything!" said teachers and parents.

These words really hurt Lara's mother. So, she didn't like her. Sometime they were just neighbors. Later the girls became classmates. It only increased the competition between them.

But when Sophie and Natalie talked with Lara's stepmother, they understood several things. This young woman knew how to listen to other people. She never interrupted anyone.

The woman with wrinkles around the eyes. These lines only appeared when she was smiling and laughing. Lara's stepmother had a good sense of humor.

Little Sophie and her best friend Natalie liked her for generosity. The kind woman treated children in the yard and their friends for every holiday.

Stepmother gave gifts for her stepdaughter. On Christmas she knitted a warm sweater for Lara.

Sophie thought that maybe the husband loves his wife precisely for these qualities.

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