Sunday, November 22, 2020

Judgement of Paris.

 Paris (Πάρις) or Alexander (Ἀλέξανδρος) was the son of Priam (Πρίαμος,) and Hecuba (Ἑκάβη). His parents were King and Queen of Troy.

During the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, Eris, the goddess of discord, threw the golden apple, also known as an apple of discord.

Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena had a dispute. The apple had an inscription "To the most beautiful." Each of them wanted to have this title.

The goddesses went to Zeus. He gave the golden apple to Hermes. They went to Paris.

Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera made different promises to Paris. Athena promised him victories in wars, glory, and wisdom. Hera promised to make Paris king of Europe and Asia. Aphrodite promised him love of the beautiful Helen. So, Paris gave an apple of discord to Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty.

Helen of Troy was later kidnapped. So, the Trojan War started.

There are many different paintings and statues about this myth.

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