Sunday, November 29, 2020

Tales from childhood: How to solve problems.

 Little Sophie often listened to the opinions of adults. Many teachers in the school were her authorities. Usually the thoughts and words of the mother and granny coincided with the opinions of the class teacher.

But this happened. Lara's stepmother was a kind woman and good example for different children. 

Her husband had a friend. This man had a hard situation. His wife and children left him.

Some people scolded this man. They were sure that he did unpleasant things to his family. Also, people had a bad opinion about Lara's father. he left his wife and daughter.

"I understand you," said Lara's father.

"Thanks for your support," said his friend.

The stepmother had her own opinion, too. But she didn't say it.

"Every person must resolve his problems," the woman said.

These words Sophie heard in the yard. At the moment children played with each other. They had a problem.

Sophie understood that some people didn't want to say their opinion. Maybe it's better.

Source of image:

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