Saturday, February 13, 2021


 Constantinople (Κωνσταντινούπολις) (Constantinopolis) was the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the Latin Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Roman Empire in different periods.

In ancient times this place was a port city. Because Byzas from the Greek city of Megara created a settlement on the strait of Bosporus. On the strait the Mediterranean Seas and the Black Sea connected. He was the legendary founder of this city.

Later there were many rulers who controlled Constantinople. The Spartans, Athenians, Macedonians, and Persians fought for power.

Emperor Constantine I made a capital at Byzantium called "New Rome".

The Hagia Sophia is a famous architectural design work. This church was built by Justinian I. About six years 10, 000 workers created this building.

Constantinople saw different rulers and events. People with many religions visited this city.

In XIII century, Constantinople fell. It was in April 1204.

But this city kepts its history and buildings.

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