Saturday, July 24, 2021

Tales from childhood: Trip to a new forest.

 Sophie and her granny decided to go to their neighboring town. It was a cool idea! This place had many things for them.

"We went to the forest in the town," grandmother said.

"I'm very glad about it!" little Sophie said.

It was quite interesting there, they explored new places in the forest. The forest in Sophie's town was different. But there were some similar things. The trees were of a different kind. The lake was quite far away. The birds sang as beautifully as in the forest of Sophie's town.

Also, Sophie and her grandmother met people from the town. They told them funny stories. Little Sophie and granny were laughing.

Then they said goodbye and went home.

"It's good that I met such people!" Sophie thought.

She wrote an essay about this trip.

Source of image:

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