Saturday, November 20, 2021

Tales from childhood: New buildings in the town.

Sophie lived in the suburb. Some people even called it a city. There you could get on a bus and get to the capital in ten minutes.

But the suburbanites were proud of what they had: parks, theatres, museums, cafes, and their own symbols. Little Sophie often saw her town in the school books. The history teacher would often tell the story of the suburb. 

Sophie and her grandmother regularly went to parades and celebrations in the center of a small suburb.

One day, Sophie noticed that construction had begun.

"Grandma, look here are building new buildings," little Sophie said.

"Yes, new interesting places will soon be built here," granny said.

Three months later, beautiful buildings and symbols of the city appeared in the center of the suburb.

Once at school, the students and the teacher decided to discuss these new buildings. Sophie said that she liked it. Others liked them, too. Also, the teacher said that there are beautiful places in her village.

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